Wednesday 9 November 2016

Nothing wrong with having an opinion.Everyone should have one .How you express is your choice.

I think Donald Trump got lucky. Republicans riding on public sentiment.He could do or say all kinds of shit,and still take over the White House.
Fault of all those bureaucrats who got complacent.Coasting from one election to another ,adding a couple of touches to the old ,saggy painting.They were not expecting  a new painting in the exhibition,abstract crap. In this case, abusive,womanizing,disrespectful and borderline racist new painting.
It's their fault they didn't raise their standards. The lesser of two evils,as many have pointed out. The public is most dangerous when they have little left to lose.

 PM Modi's move(demonetising Rs500 and Rs1000 notes) to try and stabilise currency issuing (printing) and also stifle black money hoarders has been met with varying responses, as expected.
It's good . The responses I mean . It shows people are Atleast trying to think express themselves.
 My first reaction is that it was a gutsy move . Not easy in to implement,especially on short notice, in the political maze of India.
  Contrary to expectations, the low income (read:no knowledge of digital payments) people I have met seem to be happy about the move.They are part of the Indian diaspora who are emotional.They feel its good for the country. Also unmentioned is the fact that they are enjoying the chance to see the rich brought down an couple of notches.
They are ignoring their daily income to still feel positive about this move so they deserve some credit.
  The rest of us are in between. Many publications are contemplating the fact that India could be moving towards a credit economy.  Virtual cash is a dangerous weapon.
These publications have also pointed out a hidden agenda behind this move.
 The RBI governor used to be a financial advisor for Reliance,who launched the JIO sim offering free 4g internet a few months before the aforementioned government regulation was passed.

Think of it what you will, but do think .

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